Sunday, November 17, 2013

Beginning Week 5 in Itapoã

November 11, 2013

Nossa what a week, or two. Sorry for no big email last week. We were sick as dogs the first few days of last week. We ate something called a Mango, I know none of you have heard of it. The only have it here. My body isnt used to this exotic fruit so we were sick because of it. Ok really, everyone knows what it is, but people here eat them when they are green (Manga verde) and they put salt on them. So you know me, "Eat this elder it is really good", it is disgusting, but I couldnt look weak. So I kept eating it, and then threw up for 3 days. I am never eating that again.

But we had a baptism that day!! Maurício got baptized on the 3rd which was so great! Elder Cervantes baptized and the meeting was just awesome. We had a good amount of people from the ward there supporting him and even his non member mom and sister came. YESSS. It was really a fun time.

On Halloween we dressed up and trick-or-treated to each other in our rooms with the pumpkins lit (yep, we carved pumpkins). It was fun. We dressed up and who can guess what was? I was a Hogwarts student, yep. I have a Ravenclaw tie and Elder Cervantes and I used wands. It was fun!

We have some really good investigators right now! One is Armando and he is getting married next week so he can be baptized the following Sunday. We visited him yesterday and he is a rock. We were kind of going over the baptismal interview questions and he is so awesome. He is really doing this because he wants to change and because he knows that because of this he can receive eternal salvation with his family. Man he is awesome. 

We have another, Luan, who found us. It was really a miracle. We were walking to lunch and he called us from his house and said sisters had talked to him one time on the street and said they would visit him. The must have gotten transferred because they never went. So we have taught him a few times and he LOVES our messages. He is saying stuff like "Yeah! Why wouldnt Christ visit the people in the Americas? Yeah, why wouldnt he have prophets here, too." Nossa he is great.

We are teaching this girl, Tatiane, who has a 2 year old. She is 19 and has a difficult life. We feel the spirit with her so much and are really trying to show her that she is not alone in this, and that she can find joy and happiness with Christ. We are guided so much when we teach her. We do our best listening with her. I hope we can learn to do that with everyone else. 

Miracles are happening. We I am loving this. I am so glad I am here and am so blessed to have Heavenly Father, Christ, and the Spirit at my side (with E. C.). We are doing good work, the 5 of us. I love the Book of Mormon and the impact it has on our lives. This gospel is so true and I love that I get to spend two years of my life sharing that with my brothers and sisters here in Brazil. 

I love you all. Thank you for everything.

Elder William Craig Kesler

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