Monday, August 5, 2013

August 2nd, 2013

HOLLAAAA! Remember that time I was a Missionary?
So the MTC has been great! My companion, Elder Williams, is a GREAT missionary. We get along so well and goof off a bit, but still know how to get down and work hard. When I first got here I was really nervous and even thinking about that first day gives me anxiety. The only reason for that, though, is because I had no idea what to expect. After my host and I got my suitcases in my residence, we went to the classroom where I would be spending most of my time. I met my comp there and was I glad to have him. Irmao (Brother) Dodge wasn't speaking a single word of English so we had to work together as companions and as a district to get to know each other in Portugues. None of us knew what we were doing, which was quite refreshing.
Oh! Yeah so there are 13 Elders in our district. We had 14 but one was too advanced (Elder Lee, no he isn't Asian) and got to move up to a district that was leaving earlier. His mom is from Portugal and his parents served their. He leaves in a week! But really we have the best district. Our District Leader is Elder Sharp who is from Oregon, and we couldn't have asked for a better leader. As you read this email, I will probably talk about how everyone has a huge testimony and is so strong and we get along so well... That's because we DO! So, Elder Sharp has a huge testimony, and alwasys has the greatest stories to support it. He is a Champ and during gym time each day we susually run together in the indoor track. Another Elder I am getting close with is Elder Craft. He is Sam's age, and he too always has a crazy story to tell. To be honest we are kind of the cry babies in the room. I'm not going to say that it is because we feel the Spirit the most, but if that's what it is, then I mean I'll take it. No, we all have strong spirits and you can tell we are all so receptive to the spirit. Elder Craft and I just aren't as good as the others at letting it overwhelm us, in a good way, of course.
The language is going well. We are progressing at a good pace. I wish I knew how to write the crazy symbols on the keyboard because I would say something in Portugeus. Let's be honest I don't actually know what I'm talking about. We finished with out first investigator this week, Marcos. We taught him 5 times, in Portugues. It was super hard, but after the third lesson we got rid of notes and just trusted that we would know how to say what we needed to and we rocked it. We committed him to read o Livro de Mormon and he did and prayed to know if it was true. Which it was. He wasn't ready for baptism though, so I wish we could have had a few more lessons with him. We will get two new invetigators on Monday. We are always so nervous before we start. We of course pray like it's our job and always have a prayer of thanks afterwards. I am learning so much that it's almost discouraging when I am in class and we aren't learning enough. It has been RAD.
I also have been kind of sick. It sucks haha. I went to the doctor and he told me to just lay low, but that's kind of impossible while being a missionary.
The food is actually really good. They have an entire wrap/salad bar, and usually 3 different options for dinner... where you can get all three if you want. You can get just fries or just a side or whatever. It's really nice and I am probably getting super fat. We have gym pretty much every day and during that we either go to the gym and play basketball, volleyball, four square (I'm a beast at it), or I just run in the upper indoor track. There is a weight room gym which we have talked about going to but that hasn't happened yet.
I'm going to send a few photos, we'll see how many I will be able to send, but I'll send the most important ones I guess. I know this isn't super long, but I really wanted to let everyone know I am doing great!
Love, Elder William Craig Kesler

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