Monday, September 16, 2013

September 9th, 2013

Ok so I am in Brazlandia and I don't really believe it. I super left my journal at the house so I am going on a whim here. To be honest, this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I don't want to scare anyone, but really, the days are so different. It seems like each day is a roller coaster. I am doing awesome one minute and then an hour later I just want to go back to the house and not talk to anyone. I guess I need to work on some stuff. 

As much as it is really not easy, I am learning so much. I can tell each day that Heavenly Father is giving me help with everything. My faith is definitely being tried while I am here. I don't know the language well at all and it's super rough because my companion expects me to do stuff that I don't really think I can do. Sometimes he will look at me and wait for me to say something but I don't know what is going on in the entire conversation because I can't understand anyone. So he just talks again. It's frustrating and makes me a bit nuts at times, but it is getting easier already.

I noticed on Saturday that I could understand people much better. It got to near the end of the day and most of the people we talked to I could actually understand what we were talking about, even if I wasn't following exactly. I have given quite a few lessons to investigators or contacts, and a few to members as well. I have a few scriptures that I like to give as thoughts and then during lessons Elder Simão will point to something in the pamphlet and I will have to talk about it. Sometimes I am like no way Elder I don't even know what those words mean or who this person is we have been talking to for an hour and all that. I feel like I am getting better, though. 

The food is super different and I am full after like half a plate, but they always make me get more, so I want to puke. But is all really good. It's all so heavy, but really good. 

The language is not easy. There are 2 companionships here and one of the Elders in the other companionship is from Utah so he can do some translating for me. At the same time, I need to understand for myself. AND we are only together for some of the day. So a lot of the day I am just stressed. Elder Simão speaks a little English, but the majority of the time he talks to me in Portuguese. Which is good. The worst thing, though, is that people will stand there and try to talk to me, members or not, and I don't know what they are saying. So I am just like sorry I don't speak well. Then they stand there and talk about me with everyone else. Even the other three elders will and I don't know what I am supposed to do about it. Then I will do something and they laugh and I am like HOW am I supposed to know what you do in this country or what you mean when you say this or whatever. I am now just murmuring. Again, I don't want anyone to think negatively about what I am talking about, even though they are all negative things that I am saying, it's just different than anything I have ever done and it's my first week.

Elder Swallow (Utah) says I am doing really well and that he knows how I feel. He says in 4 MONTHS I will know the language well and it will all be much better. That is super far away. But I will be here in 4 months so I guess I will find out. 

Every day is a struggle in some way. Each day I get scared or nervous in some way. But at the end of the day, I can't believe all of the help I received from Heavenly Father and the Savior. It amazes me the things I am learning and as much as I am still so lost, I am not walking in the wilderness without help. I know I am being guided and I know we can do this if I have faith. WE can do this, The Savior and I, WE'VE got this. 

It is not hard, but is not easy. But I know it is going to be worth it. I'm bringing the family home. Can't wait.

I love you all and I miss the crap out of you. Keep me in your prayers as you have been doing already, please.

See you in a few.

Elder William Craig Kesler

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